Manually input all Federal, state/provincial and local sales tax rates! iGST is the only fully adjustable International sales tax and tip calculator, supporting Canada GST/HST/PST, US, NY sales tax, AU, NZ, Australia GST, UK and EU VAT.
Most flexible Sales Tax calculator
Enter 2 levels of sales taxes
Choose Sales Tax calculation method:
Tax on Price+Tax or
Tax on Price only
Calculate Tip amount as a % of original price
or just add a dollar amount of Tip to the total.
Enter a negative amount to make it a discount from original price!
Copy Total to clipboard or paste Price from clipboard with 1 tap!
Calculate Total with taxes from original Price,
And Calculate Price without taxes from Total with taxes!
Send email report with Detailed Sales Tax and Tip Calculation Summary
Video: http://www.iWebClipBoard.com/iGST.asp
Looking for enthusiastic and appreciative people who like our product!
It took a lot of time to write something that is seemingly so simple.
Every tiny bit had to be thought through. A support for portrait and landscape is quite complex, and support for Iphone and Ipad multiplies the efforts required.
So this calculator is worth every penny we ask for it. We ask for a tiny nominal fee.
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